Wednesday, March 14, 2012

a brokered convention would be EXciting

one for you
mmmyah!!!!  ...and
the smaller the number of people who "choose" the outcome of this race. the better.
the better.
CBS: Brokered convention would be chaos (link)

sorry i was startled by a kiss.
two kisses.

he's so excited.  hes dripping, santorum.
he's dripping santorum.

how does the pro romney fox news respond?
are they jumping on board the surging populist?
a sampling of screen shots taken this morning.
first: CNN
santorum hurts gingrich (cause he got some in his eye), opinion US is #1, ad.
lovely.  inspiring.   ok
ad powned.

and from the baggers at the blaze:

ad for survivalists, race baiting, gold ad at the bottom, ad for survivalists.
"he's just an excitable boy"

wouldn't an interesting angle for a "news" agency be:
the end of the world is not coming
judgement day is far off
living is vital.

its difficult.  its certainly not our angle.

getting ready for the great inspection.

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