Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Keeping the EYE on You on me (politics of ubiquitous control)

Fox News
Prescription for America 
"If we allow political correctness...thousands will die."
"the whole idea is to keep us safe!"

 "Morals reformed !
             - health preserved!
                          - industry invigorated instruction diffused!
                                           - public burdens lightened!
                        - Economy seated, as it were, upon a rock
            - the Gordian knot of the Poor-Laws are not cut, but untied 
- all by a simple idea in Architecture!"
all by a simple idea in Architecture!"
all by a simple idea in Architecture!"
all by a simple idea in Architecture!"

are you ready for ultimate visibility
are you ready for the permanent registration 
are you ready to increase and multiply under my watch
they predicted it, the change- 
from the masses watching a few
on a stage or in a temple -
to, appearing before one's eyes,
"the instantaneous view of a great multitude"

why doesn't anyone say:
i got what i wanted. 
as molds move to modulation. 

Tuscon Citizen?:

“We thank the NYPD for monitoring extremists” link

Gothamist: NYPD Surveillance extends to Occupy Wall Street (link) 

2005, but worse now:

 "there is no need for hope or fear, but only to look for new weapons." deleuze, society of control

the oldest bitch

"Revolutions are most likely to occur when a prolonged period of objective economic and sock1 development is followed by a short period of sharp rev.ersa1. People then subjectivdy fear that ground gained with great effortwill be quite lost; their mood becomes revolutionary. The evidence from Dorr's Rebellion, the Rwsian Revolutwn, and the Egyptian Revolution supports this notion; tentatively, so do data on other civil disturbances. Various statistics-- rn on rural uptisings, industrial strikes, unemployment, and cost of living-ay serve ru crude indexes of popular mood. More useful, though less easy to obtain, are direct questim in cross-sectional interviews. The god of predicting revolution is conceived but not yet born or matured." davies, towards a theory of revolution
  "the gaze is alert everywhere"
" Alain Badiou identified as the key feature of the XXth century the "passion of the Real /la passion du reel/"1: in contrast to the XIXth century of the utopian or "scientific" projects and ideals, plans about the future, the XXth century aimed at delivering the thing itself, at directly realizing the longer-for New Order. The ultimate and defining experience of the XXth century was the direct experience of the Real as opposed to the everyday social reality — the Real in its extreme violence as the price to be paid for peeling off the deceiving layers of reality. Already in the trenches of the World War I, Carl Schmitt was celebrating the face to face combat as the authentic intersubjective encounter: authenticity resides in the act of violent transgression, from the Lacanian Real — the Thing Antigone confronts when he violates the order of the City — to the Bataillean excess." zizek, welcome to the desert of the real

AM new york 3.12.12: "The DA's office sent the social media site subpoenas asking for tweets sent by protesters between Sept. 15 and Oct. 31, inquiring what device was used to send them, and seeking other personal information, according to a protester who posted the documents online Monday." link


you don't know what goes on here

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